About our Stats



Scholarship Stats.com compiles and collates statistical data from multiple sources, performs computations, edits the information for the most meaningful statistics, and publishes the data in a useful and accessible format.  Our objective is to publish current, comprehensive and useful statistical information on college athletic scholarships and student athlete participation at the collegiate varsity level.

Sources of Information:

We compile data from multiple sources including official college team rosters, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA),  the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA), the United States Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA), the California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA), the Northwest Athletic Conference (NWAC),  the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS),  other athletic associations, the U.S. Department of Education, the  U.S. Census Bureau, the Internal Revenue Service, special industry and government studies, educational institutions sponsoring varsity sports, athletic conferences, media and other sources of information where specifically noted.

Definitions, limits & timeliness of Information:

The process of compiling, editing and publishing the information typically takes several months; most of the currently published data on ScholarshipStats.com is from participation in collegiate varsity level sports for school fiscal years ending during 2020. The majority of post secondary schools retain a June 30 fiscal year.

The various collegiate athletic associations each have sub-divisions which are noted within the site by their respective roman numeral, so NCAA Division III is noted simply as NCAA III, etc. Some schools maintain membership in more than one athletic association (for example,  the NAIA and the NCCAA); in these situations we list  the association  that serves as the primary rules enforcement body.

While literally millions of student athletes compete in college club and intramural sports programs, only participants in  varsity level programs are eligible for athletic scholarships awarded by the school. Accordingly, student athlete statistics presented on this site only address participation at the collegiate varsity level.

Unless otherwise noted a student athlete is considered a varsity participant  if he or she is(1) listed by the school on the varsity team’s roster or (2) receives athletically related student aid, or (3) practices with a varsity team and receives coaching from at least one varsity coach. For these purposes  varsity teams also include participants on junior varsity or freshman teams, as well as any student athlete formally withheld from competition for academic, medical and other reasons including preserving varsity eligibility (e.g. redshirt athletes). Reserve and/or practice squad athletes are generally considered a varsity participant.

We strive to publish accurate and timely statistical information on college athletic scholarships and student athlete participation at the collegiate level. However, the accuracy and timeliness of what we publish is directly dependent on the accuracy and timeliness of  our various data sources. While we are confident in the overall veracity of the data we publish, we cannot guarantee absolute accuracy.

Statistical Editor:

Statistics are compiled and edited by Patrick O’Rourke, CPA, Washington, DC.

Contact Us:

We appreciate  your input  –  feel free to contact us: